

鲍勃·普雷斯顿- 2021年11月16日星期二
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Property management companies can play a major role in the success of your rental property investment. 物业经理有这方面的专业知识, 行业知识, and professionalism to meet all the demands of your property and that of your tenants too. To offer their expert services, management companies will charge property owners a certain fee. 

In this article, North Country Property Group breaks down the fees involved in professional property management as well as the factors that influence them! 


It should be noted that the fees charged by property management companies are varied. 有几个因素需要考虑,例如: 

  • 房产的大小. 出租的房子越大,维护费用就越高. It might also be a multi-unit property that requires more work to be put in. This larger size and the subsequently increased needs of the property will be reflected in a higher fee

  • 财产的类型. There are different types of properties in San Diego, like single-family, multi-family, and 假期属性. 在被十大赌博信誉网站时,每个都有自己的特定需求 

  • Condition. Older properties 是否较新物业容易招致较高的维修费用

  • 出租物业的位置. “地段,地段,地段”是十大赌博信誉网站房地产的口头禅. Property managers may charge a higher fee for properties in prime locations due to the expectations to keep the development in stellar condition 


There are no two landlords whose goals for investing in real estate are the same. The use of a one-fit-all solution does not cater adequately to the needs of clients. 在北郡地产集团, 我们承认, and we offer different 物业十大赌博信誉网站套件 to meet the diverse needs of property owners in the area. 


Our potential clients in San Diego can choose from 2 available packages that have been described in brief below: 

Standard Program

With no startup fee (unless there is a tenant in possession of the property), this particular property management option incurs a fee of 8% of the monthly rent. The leasing fee is 25% of one month’s rent and a flat fee of $150 on extensions/renewals. 其他费用包括最低160元的物业十大赌博信誉网站费, 每次事故25美元的维修便利费, a 20% fee for rent-ready property management (before listing the property), a 10% fee on project management of capital improvements and remediation and a $50 per hour charge for work outside of our services.

Premium Program

This is our best value plan with the widest scope of services covered. We charge 10% of the monthly rent under this package and no startup fee (unless there is a tenant in possession of the property). The leasing fee is 25% of one month’s rent and a flat fee of $150 on extensions/renewals. 其他费用包括最低200美元的物业十大赌博信誉网站费, a 20% fee for rent-ready property management (before listing the property), a 10% fee on project management of capital improvements and remediation and a $50 per hour charge for work outside of our services. However, under this plan, we do not charge for maintenance facilitation. 


For more information on which program is ideal for you, we recommend that you refer to the pricing details on our website. These will outline each of the different services covered under our 3 packages, 还有度假物业十大赌博信誉网站

此外,您可以通过电话或电子邮件与我们联系. 作为一家诚信透明的物业十大赌博信誉网站公司, we are always ready and willing to discuss our services with our clients! 

Our Transparency

Every service offered by 北县地产集团 is hinged on a strong foundation of transparency, accountability, and integrity. 当圣地亚哥的业主向我们寻求十大赌博信誉网站服务时, 我们信誉良好的团队会分解每一笔到期的费用. Before a client appends their signature on anything, they know the exact monthly management fee. 

20多年来,我们一直在该地区开展业务, 北县地产集团 has always been upfront and transparent with its clients. 你永远不会被收取隐性费用. 我们所估计的将是你付出的代价. That’s how we have grown our reputation of being the leading property management company in San Diego!


To give our clients an idea of the services we offer when hiring us as your property manager, 我们将其中的一些概述如下: 


北县地产集团 customizes its marketing services for each of its clients to promote your property to your target demographic. 


专业品质的照片,旁白 虚拟视频导览,并将创建3D/360度数字旅游. This will capture the interest of prospective tenants with such an immersive online viewing experience that highlights the best features of your property. 

我们也会把你租的房子发布在房源网站上, social media, 甚至通过圣地亚哥的MLS系统!


The key to enjoying your investment in San Diego real estate is having quality tenants in your rental property. 一个好的房客会按时交房租, 与其他邻居和睦相处, 保持物业的良好状态, 并遵守租赁协议规定的责任. 

北县地产集团’s tenant screening process serves as the best way to land a great tenant! Our team guarantees only the best tenants by performing thorough background checks.


Though considered a basic responsibility, it’s hard to argue the impact that on-time rent collection 对房地产投资的可行性有什么影响. With this in mind, 北县地产集团 ensures that rent is paid on time on the first day of every month. 我们的大多数租户使用我们安全的租户门户来支付租金.  

在罕见的拖欠还款的情况下, you can rely on our experienced team to immediately notify the tenant and resolve the issue.  


北县地产集团 carries out regular inspections of every property in our portfolio. 每个检查计划都是定制的, 考虑到时代的发展, 租户数量, 还有房子里的设施. 


You can rely on us to have the property in the best condition possible all year long! 我们只使用预审合格的专业承包商来处理所有 维护问题


Every property owner would like to be on top of any new developments concerning their rental property! 北县地产集团 makes this easier with the use of financial reporting tools. 无论是按月还是按季度, 您可以了解有关租金收入的所有细节, vacancies, maintenance costs, 以及其他付款.

Handling Eviction 

驱逐对任何房东来说都不是一件容易的事. 如果处理不当,它也有可能出错. 北县地产集团 will respectfully handle the eviction process, 这种情况很少发生. 根据我们的高级计划,最高可支付2500美元的法律费用. 

Bottom Line

If you’re looking for top-rated property management services in San Diego, 没有比你更值得信赖的伙伴了 北县地产集团. 无论您的物业十大赌博信誉网站需要什么,我们都能满足您! We’re determined to have you reach your financial goals and will help you every step of the way. 请立即十大赌博信誉网站,了解更多有关我们的服务!

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